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It is possible to create a chart or table of patent metric values to use as part of an analysis
This table of patent metrics can be very useful for determining which patents within a portfolio being analyzed should be identified either for their inherent value and/or for out-licensing (or in-licensing), depending on the type of data being analyzed.
It can also be used as part of a comprehensive review of a portfolio to determine which patent(s) to non-renew.
How to generate the table?
The creation of the table begins after a thorough search with meaningful results.
The search can be around a particular technology or a specific company.
Once the set of results is satisfying, proceed to the analysis module by clicking into the blue button icon at the bottom of search results:
Once in the analysis module click on 'Charts' to access the 'Recommended visualizations'
Click on 'Key Invention Metrics'.
Key Invention Metrics:
The table is built with the default metrics including Patent Strength, all Forward Citations (count), Geographic Coverage, Generality, Litigated (counts) and Opposed (counts).
Key Invention Metrics customization: it is possible to customize the data and add/replace metrics:
Click on the 'Data' button, and click into one of the metrics to replace it with a different metric.
Example below.
You can delete a metric by clicking the cross 'x' next to it.
NB: Remember that its possible to see more metrics by clicking the 'other...' links on the right
Sort by Metric of choice: in the example below, the default metrics have been deleted and/or replaced by the patent evaluation indicators.
Below is the new chart, note the new/different metrics + the sort on Patent value.