After Launching an analysis, you can explore your data and start getting some insights. Saving your analysis in Orbit Intelligence will activate several advanced option helpful for more customization of your analysis.

In a saved analysis, you will handle all the results, and concepts will be sorted by frequency. In a live analysis, you are always on a sample of the results and concepts are sorted by relevance score.

The following table describes the different options between live and saved analysis.

FeatureSaved analysisLive analysisSubscription levelDescription / Value addedRelated article
Analyse Workfile content

AllAnalysing Workfiles content allows the creation of graphs using the manual user fields available in the workfile.
Warning: only patent families  and no Metrics.

Data rules

(Group assignees, concepts, Classification codes...)

AllData rules allow the customization of data displayed in graphs. Regarding Concepts, it is for example possible to exclude obvious terms from graphs. on the assignee data, it is possible to group patent from subsidaries with their parent company.Data rules

Custom axis by boolean

xPremiumCustom axis allow the live categorization of large dataset
Filter graphs
xAdvancedGraphs can be filtered using command line queries. These filters are useful to customize graph by limiting them to a specific applicant for example
MetricsAll metrics available in live + Shark, predator & fences count, IPC dispersity, recent citations More than 40 pre calculated metricsPremiumMetrics are helpful to identify key patents families in the analysed portfolios.
Warning: metrics are only available in FamPat analysis
Patent metrics

On top of these features, a saved analysis will be available in the explorer section on the left side of Orbit Intelligence.

Saving the analysis is easy: once the analysis launched, a simple click on the "Save analysis" button on the top of screen will open a new window. From this window, it is only required to name the analysis and click "OK". 

Optionality it is possible to browse the explorer (by clicking "Change folder") to choose in which folder the analysis will be recorded. By default the analysis is recorded in the Inbox folder.