After having saved an analysis, you can create a set of rules for how you want to organize your data into groups or how to exclude your data from an analysis.

Data rules module:

When you create a new rule, the assignees and the title bearers are displayed by default. Other data may be utilized to create a rule. The drop-down menu offers the following options:

  • Assignee
  • Parent companies
  • Inventors
  • Representatives
  • All IPC codes
  • All CPC codes
  • Concepts (available only with Premium licence)
  • Plaintiffs/Defendants

All data are shown in the list and the amount of occurrences is displayed on the right side.  With the arrows at the bottom of the list, you can change the page.

By default, the list is sorted in descending order of occurrence. You can change the sorting by clicking on the header of the column or by clicking on the black arrow. Columns can be customized too.

A filter is available to search in the list a certain name of assignee, a code that starts with a certain class etc.
This function is activated as soon as at least two characters are typed. The filter term is automatically truncated left and right. A box 'Select all' and a box 'Select page' allows you to customize the selection.

When you have displayed the desired data and made your selection, you can then create rules, which will be applied as soon as they are activated.

Groupingwhen selecting at least two items from the list, you can group them into one.

You will be asked if this rule shall apply to your whole account or just to the current analysis. This rule can be added to an existing one (if any) and a name and a description can be entered.

Excludingthis function allows you to display charts without certain data. The excluded data are still present in your batch of families but are no longer analysed. 

Grouped items will be displayed in bold character in your list, whilst excluded items will be coloured in redReverse function to ungroup or to include items is available.

Focus on assignees

Assignee rules offers you additional grouping function.

The 'suggest groupings' button offers group creations determined starting from Co-assignees and similarities of name.

The 'corporate tree' button offers the possibility to include/exclude parent companies and subsidiaries (please also see our article on assignee searching: Search assignee names)

Data rules administration module:

This section allows you to manage existing data rules for the analysis.

A rule will be applied as soon as it is activated. Activated rules are symbolised by a blue coloured dot.


A rule that has been created only for an analysis can be deleted and there is no need to deactivate it first. A message will be shown asking you to confirm the deletion of the rule.

A rule that has been created for all your analyses is activated in the analysis for which the rule has been made. For other analyses, the rule is deactivated. It is activated if you use the button Activate.

A rule created for all your analyses cannot be deleted if it is still activated in analyses. Should you wish to delete it, you must first deactivate the rule for all your analyses and then delete it from one of your analyses. If you have not first deactivated the rule, a message will show saying that this rule is still used in other analyses.

Saved rules can be edited by name, description and application in the right pane of this section.