The advanced search combines many different search fields including Keywords, Classifications, Assignees, Numbers, Molecules, Legal status and over 400 other sub fields.  


Each field can be used alone or combined with another field to build complex Boolean queries. The buttons next to each field allows you to access more options for that field. More relevant help can also be accessed via the question marks on the search page. 

Should you have any difficulty, please contact our Helpdesk by sending an email to to open a support ticket.


NEW FEATURE (May 2023): Query Translation and Suggestions 

This allows you to:

  • Write your query in other language than English and be able to easily get the translation of your query terms in English, plus suggestions of additional words which could help you to enlarge or refine your query.
  • Write your query in English and be able to get the suggestions as well.

Please watch this short video on how to run an advanced search: