Citation graph

In the Citation tab, access the Citation graph via the button at the right top corner of the page. 

The graph contains cited/citing patents/patent families in a horizontal line graph over time.

It is by default set on "Patent families" and can be changed to "by Patents":

The Legend's color code will help you quickly distinguish the type of citation: 

- Red bubble: the analyzed patent 

- Blue rectangles: the backward cited patents  (first filing date) 

- Green arrows: forward citing patents 

NB: The graph is only available in the Citations tab after a search in FamPat or FullPat.

Patent/patent family information
If you mouseover on a patent, a box will pop up displaying its Title, the Assignee Name, the First Application Date and the list of cited and citing patents/patent families (shown in the graph).

Right clicking on a patent will give you two options:
- Display only this family’s citations: only the selected patent citations are displayed
- Add this family’s citations to the display: will include the cited and citing patents of the selected patent.

Double clicking on a patent will open in a new tab a permalink, allowing you to retrieve/share the full details of the patent filing.

The graph can be exported as an image via the icon:

Use the drop-down menu option to change the "Color by" legend of the graph:


By default, the graph displays all the citations.
You can filter down by the origin of the citation:

- Examiner citations and select the relevant categories (particularly relevant, other categories or uncategorized citations). Uncheck the boxes for the categories you do not want to display.
- Applicant citations
- Self-citations (cited/cited patents/patent families that have the same assignee that the family studied). 

You can choose to remove self-citations to get a better metric of the value of your portfolio or of a competitor’s portfolio.


For the Examiner citations, the particularly relevant option includes category codes from the European examiners (X, Y, I) as well as the US reasons for rejections (102, 103).

Don't forget to click "Apply" to validate your choice!

Citiation searches in the Command Line/Search history

The command CITBF NOSOURCE (backward/forward citations) ignores the results of the initial question, while keeping self-citations. 
By removing NOSOURCE, the search query will also include mutual citations of the dataset included in the initial query.

Cited Literature

The Citations tab provides, below the cited/citing patent/patent family list, the full reference of the literature associated with each member of the family:


The Citations tab provides, at the bottom, the code(s) of the Standard(s), the name(s) as well as the number of cited patent families by this standard in the whole patent database: