Legal Status Monitor = Legal status alerts

Legal Status Monitor is an optional module within Orbit Intelligence that allows you to monitor changes to patent families and legal online registers. 

Alerts are set up on a patent number, for example application, or publication number. 

The system compares the content of the register from one alert execution to the next, and any changes detected will trigger an alert notification to be sent to one or several recipients. 

Alerts can run on a selected frequency (from bi-weekly to every six month).

Which registers can be monitored?

The coverage for Legal Status Monitor is the following online registers:
Inpadoc, US, EP, JP, CN, DE, FR, GB, KR, CA

How to set up an alert

You can access the access the Legal Status Monitor module to set up an alert:

Select the option "Create a new alert", and fill out the available fields:

Alert section: 

Firstly, enter the Name of the alert.

As an option you can also enter a subaccount: this can be helpful to track costs and organise the alerts. 

You can specify the frequency from once or twice a week, and up to once every six months.

You will get  an option to first receive a basic report for the alert, to test it. 
You also have an option to not receive an email if no change has been detected.

Integrate family members: With this option family members are automatically selected to be monitored in their respective national registers. 

NOTAthis option will add all the family members in the alert, and you will be charged for each (one member = one alert). 

Patents Section: 

For each patent number monitored you can choose to monitor both the national register (if available) as well as Inpadoc. 

When you select the patents to monitor, specify the Country Code and patent Number

The Types of Numbers that you can monitor are determined by the Country Code entered. 

The option "Extended family legal status" for each patent allows you to monitor new family members and legal status via the Inpadoc register. This option does not add extra cost.

National register: The system will preselect the possible register based on patent number country code.

Number formats in alerts

- Publication (of application stages) CCYYYYNNNNNN(N) or CCNNNNNN
- Application (filing) CCYYYYNNNNNNN

How to monitor family members

There are two options in Legal Status Monitor to monitor new family members. 

You can set up an alert on Inpadoc which will monitor both new family members and changes in legal statusm in the Inpadoc register.

You can also select the option “Integrate the family members”. 

This means that when a new family member is detected, the corresponding national or regional register will automatically be selected for new notifications. 

This option will use up one of the alerts you have contracted for each family member that has been added automatically.

Alert results
Alert results are sent to recipients via email. 

This is a sample email as will be received:

Following the link will open the report. 

Changes are highlighted in yellow with coloured font - the top of the report contains a legend of statuses and colours.

Here is an example of highlighted information from the EP Register:

Alert results are also kept in the legal status alerts module with indications of possible changes: